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Volunteering at SDFF

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival!

SDFF is a volunteer-run operation, from helping to run the box office to monitoring screenings to organizing and producing events. Our volunteers even help with programming the fest. We are always happy to welcome new volunteers and do our best to match people with opportunities that match their interests and skills.

We’ve been fortunate to have volunteers stick with us over the years, building a fantastic film-loving community.

We look forward to meeting you and having us help us bring SDFF to life.


SDFF Loses Beloved Volunteer Linda Heath

Volunteer Coordinator Kathryn Davy Remembers A Friend

The Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival lost a valued member of our team this month. The incomparable Linda Heath volunteered all 13 years that the festival was in person and showed up this summer to say hello to us when a few of us got together in June after the long quarantine. From the very first year of the festival and every year thereafter, Linda was a positive, smiling force and I looked forward to seeing her sweet face every year.

What I loved about Linda was her complete glow of light and positivity that could not be ignored. She was willing to work any shift and do any job I asked without complaint. I am glad we were able to acknowledge her longevity at a Volunteer Dinner several years ago in front of her fellow volunteers. To say she will be missed is the easiest thing I can say, but it is the truth and I will think of her every time we open the doors for the film going masses.

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