Join us in celebrating non-fiction storytellers while spotlighting your brand to a local and global audience, as the Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival connects filmmakers, engages viewers on critical issues, and offers exclusive sponsorship benefits, including Academy Award® qualifying film exposure and targeted digital placements.


Partnering with us for the entire event gets you noticed! 

  • Recognition in SDFF media outlets including digital, print and social media
  • Premium visibility at the Festival on print materials and collateral
  • Prominently positioned on Sponsor Banner at both Venues
  • Title position on website home-page banner and on partner page 
  • Social media visibility 
  • Cross marketing on Sebastopol Center for the Arts (SebArts) and SDFF websites
  • Hosted radio/podcast interview with SDFF Media Partners
  • Logo featured on screen prior to each festival screening at all venues
  • 6 VIP all-access passes, includes access to parties, opening night, and premium parking

Sponsor a world famous documentary filmmaker with Tribute Night and Film Screening

  • Exclusive sponsor of Tribute celebrating a respected industry professional
  • Recognition in SDFF media outlets including digital, print and social media as Tribute sponsor
  • Featured on website home-page banner and on partner page 
  • Social media visibility
  • Cross marketing on Sebastopol Center for the Arts (SebArts) and SDFF websites
  • 4 VIP all-access passes 


Capture the biggest audience at the peak of excitement!

  • Recognition in SDFF media outlets including digital, print and social media
  • Featured on website home-page banner and on partner page 
  • Social media visibility
  • Cross marketing on Sebastopol Center for the Arts (SebArts) and SDFF websites 
  • Logo featured on screen prior to each festival screening at all venues
  • 4 VIP all-access passes (includes access to parties and opening night)


In recognition of achievement. You are in good company

  • Included in all festival collateral materials/media/PR campaigns
  • Featured on website home-page banner and on partner page + social media visibility 
  • Cross-marketing on Sebastopol Center for the Arts (SebArts) and SDFF websites
  • Logo featured on screen prior to each festival screening at all venues
  • 2 VIP all-access passes (includes access to parties and opening night)


Reach A Passionate Audience—a rare opportunity to align your message with a specific film 

  • Included in all festival collateral materials/media/PR campaigns 
  • Featured on website sponsor page + social media visibility
  • Introduced alongside filmmaker + logo featured on screen prior to screening


Support the SDFF and reach our target audience through in kind donations of goods and services to our guests.

  • Included in all festival collateral materials/media/PR campaigns 
  • Featured on website sponsor page + social media visibility
  • 4 tickets to SDFF


Help us to spread the word about SDFF and support the arts in our community.

  • Included in all festival collateral materials/media/PR campaigns 
  • Featured on website sponsor page + social media visibility
  • 4 tickets to SDFF

For more information about partnerships and sponsorships, contact Serafina Palandech, spalandech@sebarts.org, or Cynthi Stefenoni – cynthi@sebastopolfilm.org