Inaugural Bay Area Media Makers Summit Coming Up!

The first Bay Area Media Makers Summit (BAMMS) will take place June 3-5 in San Francisco and Oakland. SDFF will be among the local film festivals, organizations, funders and filmmakers gathering at the summit with the aim of cultivating a collaborative, healthy and inclusive Bay Area filmmaking community.

The summit will be comprised of a combination of mixers, presentations and workshops, which will take shape across three days and two locations. All of the events at the BAMMS summit will be presented by local filmmakers. Topics include Hiring and Collaborating with Documentary Cinematographers (from the Collective of Documentary Women Cinematographers), Professional Storytelling, Equity In The Edit Room, Interactive Sound, Crewing with Intention/Diverse Hiring, Hybrid Filmmaking and Personal Documentary. Saturday’s events will also include a Film Festival and Funder Fair. All of the sessions are free and open to film and media makers, but require registration.

BAMMS is a new initiative, which aims to create opportunities for filmmakers in the Bay Area to gather, learn, and share best practices about the future of filmmaking in the Bay Area region.

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